So yesterday we did a lesson in literature and ended up with:
Credits: Papers and Embellies: Fresh Air by Tracy Collins (Retrodiva at DigitalFreebies),
Template: Brenda Miller for May 07 - Gottapixel's BluePrint Challenge,
Fonts: Joyful Juliana ( and Kristin ITCLiterature?? How you ask? Well we're starting fairy tales and we learned the characteristics of Fairy Tales, and though we skipped over the planned months of October and November (because we started late) and jumped right in to December.... we figured Hansel and Gretel would be the best way to kick off the month of December and build a Gingerbread house! Now everyone knows the story of Hansel and Gretel right?! LOL!

A little ingenuity. We didn't want to use a full gingerbread house kit (let me rephrase... I didn't want to!) so we picked up a few supplies... Graham crackers, icing, M&Ms and kissables,.... we should have had more variety but this was supposed to be a small 1/2 hr project... M's first time building her own Gingerbread house.... and this worked out great. A good learning and practice tool for her. At some point later this month we'll drag out the Gingerbread train and do that maybe when "Babi" gets here.

So this is older dd's house. Not bad for a first try! :) -------->

And thisis the mummy helped 2 yr old's house!
All in all we had a good time making them and daddy arrived just as we were finishing up! We ate them guiltlessly for dessert after dinner! Yum!