Saturday, May 28, 2011

Toddler School / Pre K

Since I'm not sure when Tot School (Toddler School) ends and Pre-School begins, I figure as long as I'm working with the littlest things are good! So here is my plan

This is the 3rd and final time I race through age 2-5 materials with my kids, so you'd think by now it would be old hat! But no! Each time I re-invent the wheel having either discovered something new or trying a new method so of course this time is no different.

I'll be using Letter of the Week Prep to cover the basics
* Colours and Shapes
* Reading Readiness
* Listening and Sequencing
* Numbers
* Size
* Position and Direction
* Motor Skills
* Nursery Rhymes

I'm adding in sensory boxes like I have found on many Tot School blogs and other arts and crafts type things that suit dd's tastes. Hopefully I'll have more to share this year! :)

I will continue to update as we progress through this first year! :)

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