This is our 2nd time through 1st grade and things have changed a ton. The first time I did this, I had no clue what I was doing. This time around, I'm still winging it, but have a better idea of what I want, and how to teach my budding learner!
Where we live school commences in mid August and if you are not 6 on or before September 1, you would not be permitted to start 1st grade til the following year. S has a December birthday but is ready to get started. Again I'm not a stickler for time at this point and won't be cracking any whips to get her going, these items are a reference and my goal is forward progress no matter how big or small! At this point, I'm still learning about her learning style and things that work best for her which means things are apt to change through the course of the year!
I will continue to update as we progress through 1st Grade! :)
- Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons - DONE (Oct 2011)
- Various reading level books - read alouds and reading together
- Explode the Code (1, 1.5, and 2)
- (no spelling yet) - eventually Spelling Workout
- writing practice - some cards to family and various workbooks
- lapbooking nursery rhymes, folk tales and fairy tales
- (no Grammar yet) - Growing with Grammar 1
- Singapore Math US Edition (1A and 1B)
- Various online computer games
-K12 Grade K and 1st History
- K12 Grade K and 1st Science
- Sign Language at home
- Possibly Rosetta Stone (French or Spanish)
- various projects
- Baltimore Curriculum Art and Music
- Swimming
- Soccer
- Possibly Dance Class
- Daisies (??)
- others as interests permit!
I will continue to update as we progress through this first year! :)
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