Saturday, November 28, 2015

Earth Science: Weather Week 4


(All posts before this should be caught up and up to date with photos.)

So  as always things don't go as planned. :) We had planned on spending the week of Thanksgiving getting caught up on our Science-y stuff, but that didn't happen, we got horribly distracted (and not by family, since we had none come by! LOL!)  So we took another slow week, and the Wind got pushed over to this week. :)  (no you are not seeing things, you might have seen the last post got deleted! ya, trying to keep things accurate!)

Creating Artificial Wind
Giraffe read Can You See the Wind all by herself (since we're working on increasing her reading skills along with understanding of science skills.)  We had a good laugh at The Wind Blew, so today's books were definitely enjoyable!

We didn't have balloons in the house so we used a ziplock bag, to make the artificial wind.

I love Robert Munsch stories - have for a very long time, so any opportunity to read one!  Giraffe didn't share my love for it though.  The Windy Matchup game wasn't really her cup of tea either, but it does explain a point and she got it, so it is now on our table with our weather tools.
  • Read The Gates of the Wind by Kathryn Lasky
  • Read the Whirlys & the West Wind by Christine Ross
  • Complete The Mailbox Investigating Weather, Grades 1-3  "Wind: Wonderful Windsocks" (page 23).
  • Read Wind by Marion Dane Bauer
All in all, this week wasn't really a hit with Giraffe or I.  The books were fun but the projects not so much.  Effective but un-fun.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Earth Science: Weather Experiments Week

We've been battlings colds this week, which has taken all of us down one at a time.  I've been pretending to play nurse but I was the 2nd one that got it, so I've failed miserably!

Part of last week got ended abruptly (though we will/did eventually play catch-up.)  I don't do sick or nurse very well, and am anxious to get back to our schedule program!

For years, I've had at least two Little Labs Weather Kits kicking around the house.  Ketchup used one, and I think this week Giraffe will pull out the other.  

So this week, I figured we'd play it slow and catchup what we missed (and fill in the blog) and work on some ways to measure the weather we're seeing.  Stay tuned and I'll add in our devices and experiments throughout the week as we go.  Hopefully we'll get a good variety of weather, that doesn't involve snow (personal bias!) and we'll have fun with it.  Stay tuned!


So Giraffe, is still under the weather but has little bursts of energy, so we used one of them to check out explore measuring temperature.  Not in the mood to re-invent the thermometer, we used a super big thermometer that I had purchased years ago at Lakeshore LearningI had to run out to the store so we got our super big thermometer and put it on the back deck (in the shade.) About 20 minutes later, when we got back, I had her take a look at it and it showed 61F.  We decided to take an extra reading put the thermometer on the front porch in the full beautiful, glorious sun and it read 76F.


We've got some more bad weather coming in tonight and tomorrow.  Hoping to make some tools today for use tomorrow.  She is still not feeling 100% but she is definitely on the mend.  Today we'll be building an Anemometer and Rain Gauge from the Weather kit.  We've also been identifying them in various locations when we go on drives - sometimes on phone poles, sometimes on buildings - just so she can see them truly in action.

Anemometer, Rain Gauge & Weather Vane
Discovering Humidity
 So with the Humidity detector, we filled a glass with cold water and just set it out to get an idea of how much humidty was in the air.  This was after only a few seconds, and considering the rain we're expecting - we're pretty sure it's accurate.


Yesterday while working with the Anemometer, Weather Vane and teeny tiny Rain Gauge in the kit, we made our own rain gauge because we knew it would hold more water and was less likely to blow away.  The empty Rain Gauge was shown on Tuesday right after we made it, but it was too windy to leave outside (15 mph winds)  It did rain a little over night which we didn't record, and it also rained a good deal of the morning (also not recorded,) but as luck would have it, we arrived back from the doctor's just before the heavy rain fell and Giraffe managed to get the gauge out in the nick of time! :)

Homemade Rain Gauge (marbles for added weight)
Just under 2 inches in 2-ish hours

In just over two hours (between 4:25 and 6:30pm) this was the amount of rain we caught.   Giraffe was pretty happy with the results of her rain gauge. We'll just empty it to the bottom line, and put it out again.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Earth Science: Weather Week 3


Really didn't like the book we chose for today.  Very long and dense for Giraffe who wasn't really interested in reading it or looking at it.  Days of rain do that to a kid!

It has been raining here for days, since Halloween to be exact.  Some days it was a light drizzle, other days it was torrential downpours, other days the clouds would drift in and out and leave a puddle in their wake.  We've been under flood watches and flood alerts as area rivers take in the deluge of 10 days worth of rain.  They're calling for more rain later in the week.  Today we were happy to see the sun and blue sky though.

Last week when Giraffe and I, attempted to make a cloud in a jar (which I have tried 2x in the past) we instead watched the raindrops form on the the bottom of the "lid" of our jar.  The smaller droplets combined together until they were too heavy and then they just fell.  So while we didn't follow the experiment here exactly, we did get to see it in action and talk about it.
  • Read - "Down Comes the Rain" by Franklyn M. Branley.
  • Read - "Listen to the Rain" by Bill Martin.
  • Read - "Come On, Rain" by Karen Hesse.
  • Completed The Mailbox Investigating Weather, Grades 1-3  "Precipitation: Looks Like Rain" (page 15) and "Going Down!" (page 16).
    Snowflakes and raindrops, which one falls faster?
Ice Crystals Booklet

  • Read - "Snow" by Marion Dane Bauer during reading.
  • Read - "It’s Raining" by Gail Gibbons (wanted "It's Snowing" our library didn't have it.)
  • Read - "Snowflake Bentley" by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

Monday, November 2, 2015

Earth Science: Weather Week 2


The "Sector 7" picture book was a fun look.  I've never been good at choosing picture books, so this was a neat thing to Giraffe.  We tried to cook up a cloud, but have never managed to make it work, we did get to see it dripping with rain though! So no exciting photos today! :(

This is the actual photo of what Giraffe was supposed to do today, and as you can see Frog and Ketchup got in on the action - everyone loves to play with shaving cream here! :)

The experiment for today didn't seem as exciting as I'd hoped, so remembering I had seen the shaving cream rain somewhere, I decided to give that a shot, and it proved amusing to Giraffe.  She watched as the Food colouring made it's way through the shaving cream to the bottom of the cloud and then produced a rainbow of rain!   It was neat to see how it the food colour just hung there until it accumulated enough to drift down.
