M and I have been making progress on History. She enjoyed reading about Egypt, just in time for her Brownie troop to go to Thinking day celebrations at the local public school. Our Service Unit puts together a Thinking Day around the world kind of thing, where each troop learns about another WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) country and puts together a display, with a craft, food and SWAP. Our Troop chose Ghana and we learned a little about it. But we visited a another troop's set up and they had done Egypt, it was cool to see M (6.5) knowing more about the information they had displayed that those displaying it, we discuss it a little and she got it all. The thing that made me sad was the girls (11-15) didn't have a clue what they were presenting in terms of pictures and they had clearly put it together. But I digress.
We're now moving on Mesopotamia and learning about battles and religion there. M is finding it neat learning about the different "Gods."

(was gonna post a pic but blogger is having photophobia today!) :(
In any event we made insects today. M made a bee, and S made a flying ant (as distinguished by the stinger and lack of stinger. We cardboard/styrofoam egg carton, 3 sections of it. 6 - 3" pipe cleaners, and 2 - 2" pipecleaners, and waxpaper wings. The 6 legs were inserted into the middle section the "Thorax," and the wings were also attached there. They enjoyed it. It was one of those things that a 6.5 yr old and 2 yr old could do together! :)
Now we're making an Animal group book! So this unit sounds like lots of hands on fun! :)