I (the parent) have known about animals being endangered to the point of near extinction, and just came to realize that my daughters were unaware. While I don't expect S to 'get' that, M certainly does and actually has a few favourites that she wants to do something for.
So we embark on a journey of being more "consumer conscious" and environmentally friendly in our purchases. Example, one of the things we learned this past weekend is that a group of people decided to stop buying Girl Scout cookies because they were made with Palm Oil which is threatening the Orangutans in Indonesia.
So I'm thinking that the girls will do some on different animals.
For S that will mean learning about her favourite animals at the Zoo, maybe the Pink Cockatoo (which also happens to be a Webkinz,) the Hippo, the Tiger and likely the vulture. For M that will mean learning about the Animals she loves (Sumatran/Bengal/Siberian) Tigers, and the Grevy's Zebra. (for me that means the Tiger, the Orangutans and the Black Rhino.) We'll be learning about where they live, why they are endangered and what we can do to help!
I think this will go part of the way to helping us be more environmentally conscious with a purpose too! For example, being more vigilant with our cloth grocery bags to conserve on paper and polluting plastic products, etc. etc. I think with such a purpose in mind it makes it easier to be more mindful of the environment.
So there ya go. That's we're embarking on!