I've got a laptop lunch box system that we will be using during the school year too - but for now we're getting used to the idea of eating at home, by using muffin tins. Its amazing how quick and easy it is to fill those little containers up with healthy foods.

Over the coming weeks we will work on implementing a muffin tin snack tray along with our lunches for munching all day. But I'm loving the idea of lunch boxes, and muffin trays, and just simple trays filled with fun Healthy foods.
If this is something that interests you go visit Muffin Tin Mom - on Mondays she hosts an event called Muffin Tin Monday. She has a Mr Linky that posts all the creative lunches people have made that day. And I think during the school year the moms work toward a theme of the week! :) This could be fun & Creative and best of all the 9 and 4.5 yr olds can help plan the meals.