So the Hogwarts homeschool thing was a great idea, but things slipped by the wayside. M and S got their first assignments but neither really got into do them. So we'll try again next year... no sweat, no worries - Just hope they'll take them! LOL!

We spent a week making Pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer - as part of a Craft Hope project. We can't really get out and do stuff for actual service, so I figure if we do little craft projects that the girls will enjoy we're doing good. M is planning to make some Dolls for Haiti also - both counting towards Junior Girl Scout badges.
In the mean time I've been getting ready for the school year with a 4th

grader and a preK/Kindy/1st Grader (S is kinda all three! LOL!) So over the past month we set up a Calendar Time Board. I love the idea of Workboxes but don't have the space for them so I went with a wall magazine holder to hold our books - one for each kid! I will eventually number them create a daily card for them to work off of. All S' notebooks are ready for the year and we have officially kicked off Kindergarten (we'll call it Kindy) for the year with her. She's off to a good start! :)
M is holding back a little, we'll be starting the official stuff with her shortly but for now she is doing little bits, focusing on Junior badges that count toward school stuff that we'll be working on.