We started the year of with a bang! In just over 2 weeks we've managed our 2nd snow storm. Totalling 6 inches of snow - which we measured with a tape measure! LOL! I could have sworn there was only 3 inches but alas I was wrong!
These 6 inches warranted an official snow day! I figured the school kids will get 2 or more days off as the roads are impassable, so why not! we were ahead of the game anyway!

At the same time, we looked at the icicles hanging from the roof our our house and determined that they were fast growing Stalactites that you would find in a cave. The drips down on the ground form the stalagmites but we aren't really interested in those! :)
At the same time DD#1 is progressing through History and Science, while DD#2 is learning to read and the basics of math!