So a while ago I had decided to go ahead and get some Kindergarten material for my rambunctious 5 yr old who wouldn't start Kindergarten in the 'schooling' world until this coming fall (December Birthday!) Not so much to "teach" her stuff but to drive her in a direction that doesn't involve spending vast amounts of time playing computer games - like
ToonTown, or
Webkinz & the like - or whining that she bored.

So our first adventure into the schooling world of History and Geography (in lower grades Social Science) we'll be touring the 7 continents. Our material has some good info, but I'm hoping to play it up a little with some additional craft activities and fun! We've gotten our passports together! We'll take a look at our Real passports and compare them to the fun one that I made up for dd. We also made some suitcases to pack up our continent appropriate clothes and any souvenirs we plan to bring back!
To help us out along the way, we'll be using a book

I happened on, while searching for craft ideas. I mean really this should be fun more than anything so it will be memorable for her. At least as far as I'm concerned. I love this book. It is awesome! But then I love most of the books by this company and wouldn't be upset if someone gave them to me as gifts! LOL!
We're also getting started on some Science, which isn't quite as fun at the moment, but we'll get there. We've been doing reading for months and she gets it, but she doesn't "get" it just yet so we're pluggin away and havin some fun! :)
So there you have it! I'm hoping to post some pics and links as we go through our continents journey but as always I get called away and things get busy! So I'll try but make no promises on the whole follow through! :)