We're always fine tuning and making adjustments here and there.
- Growing with Grammar 3
- Various Reading materials.
- Creative Writing assignments from various topics
- Penmanship various letters and thank-yous to family
- Singapore Math (3A & 3B)
- Various online computer games
- Various Worksheets for practice
- K12 History (Grade 2&3)
- K12 Science (Grade 2&3)
- various topics (including Junior Badges and other subjects of interest)
Not in Practice yet - haven't found what we want!
- Extra Curricular Art Projects
- Brownie Crafts and Music Projects
- extracurricular classes as appropriate
- Brownie Girl Scouts
- Soccer
- swimming
- outside classes as interest deems necessary
If anyone out there reading has an absolute favourite program that they want to share, I'd love to check it out! :)
I will continue to update as we progress through this year! :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day 3 - of back to school
Grade 3. The gusto and umph we started off with on day one has definitely worn off. It took over an hour to finish two lessons of math - and it wasn't particularly hard either. But she was distracted I guess. Its almost 3 pm and she's barely gotten hold of her grammar - but ET had an appointment at the doctor today so that was her excuse. Either way she has until 4 to get most of her stuff done or we can't do any sewing. ET gets grumpy later in the evening so that puts the a damper on further mummy assisted learning.
Pre-Kindergarten. Its always nice when you find out that your 3.5 yr old has been holding out on you. For months I've been trying to determine what S knows - how much of her alphabet, how far she can count. She's had no problems with colors or shapes since she was about 2 - but the rest she's been holding out on. So a few weeks ago, I sat down with her and found out that she knows 20/26 of the capital letters... and about 6 out of 26 lower case letters (ya we need to work on that.) But the shockers that I've gotten in the last few days are these.
(DONE) - Identify shapes
( IP ) - Identify ABCs and the letter sounds
( IP ) - Develop a larger vocabulary
(DONE) - count 1-5
(DONE) - count 1-10
(DONE) - sing simple children's songs
(DONE) - Gross Motor Skills: run, jump, hop, march, roll, sommersault, tip toe, walk backwards
We've got them covered. The only thing left on the list is to identify letters and letter sounds which we're working on now. S is a funny little girl who will learn what she wants, when she wants and how she wants and there is no way of getting around that at the moment. So we've been working slowly on the letters and finding reasons that it might be useful. She's now interested in learning to read so the letters are becoming more important to her.
Little ET has finally entered newborn-hood instead of preemie-hood! She is 6 days past her due date and currently 7 lbs 15 oz... at 2 months old. As far as preemies go, she's pretty uneventful. She's not engaging yet but she is waking up more. She definitely has the I want it "NOW" down pat. M has decided that she will be helping me make some toys and things for ET to look at. We're going to start of with some pompoms and black and white images to put around her bed/bassinet/playpen/change area.
So there you have it 3 grades ... and I've sorta got it under control at the moment.
Pre-Kindergarten. Its always nice when you find out that your 3.5 yr old has been holding out on you. For months I've been trying to determine what S knows - how much of her alphabet, how far she can count. She's had no problems with colors or shapes since she was about 2 - but the rest she's been holding out on. So a few weeks ago, I sat down with her and found out that she knows 20/26 of the capital letters... and about 6 out of 26 lower case letters (ya we need to work on that.) But the shockers that I've gotten in the last few days are these.
- she knows what her name looks like (she pretends to be oblivious!)
- she can finger spell (ASL) her name
- she can count to 10 without help
- she can finger count (ASL) to 6
(DONE) - Identify shapes
( IP ) - Identify ABCs and the letter sounds
( IP ) - Develop a larger vocabulary
(DONE) - count 1-5
(DONE) - count 1-10
(DONE) - sing simple children's songs
(DONE) - Gross Motor Skills: run, jump, hop, march, roll, sommersault, tip toe, walk backwards
We've got them covered. The only thing left on the list is to identify letters and letter sounds which we're working on now. S is a funny little girl who will learn what she wants, when she wants and how she wants and there is no way of getting around that at the moment. So we've been working slowly on the letters and finding reasons that it might be useful. She's now interested in learning to read so the letters are becoming more important to her.
Little ET has finally entered newborn-hood instead of preemie-hood! She is 6 days past her due date and currently 7 lbs 15 oz... at 2 months old. As far as preemies go, she's pretty uneventful. She's not engaging yet but she is waking up more. She definitely has the I want it "NOW" down pat. M has decided that she will be helping me make some toys and things for ET to look at. We're going to start of with some pompoms and black and white images to put around her bed/bassinet/playpen/change area.
So there you have it 3 grades ... and I've sorta got it under control at the moment.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Back in the Groove
I'm trying to get back in the groove of blogging... but not yet ready to jump into the whole school thing just yet. I guess the class room is being set up so to speak.
We added a new student to our classroom this year. She arrived earlier than planned, and had a little delay in the office - a tiny problem with transfer papers I guess you could say.
Little ET (as she will be known here) arrived on Jun 7th, at 31 weeks due to me having severe Pre-E (you can read the story at my main blog!) Spent 35 days in the Intermediate Care ICU (step down from the NICU in layman's terms.) In the mean time life is not usual at our house. LOL!
Feeling guilty that most of the summer was blown away with me in hospital, or me laid up post c-sec or travelling to the hospital daily - you get the picture, I started on August first to play with some fun ideas. I found obscure and neat holidays that are celebrated almost every day of the year. We don't have to do much - just pay attention that they are there and if the girls are up for it, we celebrate it.
August 1 was Raspberry Cream Pie day - so we gathered the ingredients (life got away with us) and we made our pie on the 2nd of August.

August 2 was Ice Cream Sandwich (and Sister's Day) - so I rushed out to the store, got ice cream sandwiches - and we ate the Raspberry Cream pie for dessert this day and had the ice cream sandwiches the next day! LOL! (a day late!)
August 3 was National Picnic Day in Australia, so we got some lunch and picnicked in the middle of the living room floor while watching the Lion King (because it was much too hot outside.)
August 4 (1901-1971) - was Louis Armstrong's Birthday - so we celebrated by finding different video/sound clips on the internet and listening to them. M was able to identify a song sung by Mr. Armstrong - "What a Wonderful World" - which I believe was in Madagascar (though don't quote me on that!)
Tomorrow (August 5, 1930) ... - is the other Mr. Armstrong's birthday. It will be "One Small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" kind of day... (this is fun! and we're learning something too.

Little ET (as she will be known here) arrived on Jun 7th, at 31 weeks due to me having severe Pre-E (you can read the story at my main blog!) Spent 35 days in the Intermediate Care ICU (step down from the NICU in layman's terms.) In the mean time life is not usual at our house. LOL!
Feeling guilty that most of the summer was blown away with me in hospital, or me laid up post c-sec or travelling to the hospital daily - you get the picture, I started on August first to play with some fun ideas. I found obscure and neat holidays that are celebrated almost every day of the year. We don't have to do much - just pay attention that they are there and if the girls are up for it, we celebrate it.
August 1 was Raspberry Cream Pie day - so we gathered the ingredients (life got away with us) and we made our pie on the 2nd of August.

August 2 was Ice Cream Sandwich (and Sister's Day) - so I rushed out to the store, got ice cream sandwiches - and we ate the Raspberry Cream pie for dessert this day and had the ice cream sandwiches the next day! LOL! (a day late!)
August 3 was National Picnic Day in Australia, so we got some lunch and picnicked in the middle of the living room floor while watching the Lion King (because it was much too hot outside.)
August 4 (1901-1971) - was Louis Armstrong's Birthday - so we celebrated by finding different video/sound clips on the internet and listening to them. M was able to identify a song sung by Mr. Armstrong - "What a Wonderful World" - which I believe was in Madagascar (though don't quote me on that!)
Tomorrow (August 5, 1930) ... - is the other Mr. Armstrong's birthday. It will be "One Small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" kind of day... (this is fun! and we're learning something too.
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