Little ET (as she will be known here) arrived on Jun 7th, at 31 weeks due to me having severe Pre-E (you can read the story at my main blog!) Spent 35 days in the Intermediate Care ICU (step down from the NICU in layman's terms.) In the mean time life is not usual at our house. LOL!
Feeling guilty that most of the summer was blown away with me in hospital, or me laid up post c-sec or travelling to the hospital daily - you get the picture, I started on August first to play with some fun ideas. I found obscure and neat holidays that are celebrated almost every day of the year. We don't have to do much - just pay attention that they are there and if the girls are up for it, we celebrate it.
August 1 was Raspberry Cream Pie day - so we gathered the ingredients (life got away with us) and we made our pie on the 2nd of August.

August 2 was Ice Cream Sandwich (and Sister's Day) - so I rushed out to the store, got ice cream sandwiches - and we ate the Raspberry Cream pie for dessert this day and had the ice cream sandwiches the next day! LOL! (a day late!)
August 3 was National Picnic Day in Australia, so we got some lunch and picnicked in the middle of the living room floor while watching the Lion King (because it was much too hot outside.)
August 4 (1901-1971) - was Louis Armstrong's Birthday - so we celebrated by finding different video/sound clips on the internet and listening to them. M was able to identify a song sung by Mr. Armstrong - "What a Wonderful World" - which I believe was in Madagascar (though don't quote me on that!)
Tomorrow (August 5, 1930) ... - is the other Mr. Armstrong's birthday. It will be "One Small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" kind of day... (this is fun! and we're learning something too.
1 comment:
Congrats on your newest addition! Good to se you blogging again!
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