For the last little while we've been working on learning to read. Progress is going well. Its amazing what a few months makes, where at first she was reluctant and not really interested, now she is ready moving full steam ahead, its now her idea to do it. We're up to 6 word sentences with words 3-4 letters long!
We're still working on "Where We Live" for social studies. It was really nice last week at the beach having people ask her where she was from and her astounding them telling them where she lived. She's big for her age - often asked if she is 6 - when she's only 4. So when they get a load of what she knows they're pretty surprised!
For Science, we're working on Living and non-living things. I'm thinking I might just take S along with M (4th grader) for science and just making it a little easier. I think it would make it easier for everyone all around. I think that S would gain the advanced materials but to her level, and I think M would gain the patience of listening and helping her younger sister learn.
And Math, we found a Spectrum K mathbook that S is madly in love with - she's currently doing about 4-5 pages a day with great ease and at her request and leisure! LOL! It'll be neat to evaluate in December and see where she stands! But so far Math and reading are her fav subjects!
4th Grader

So today we sat down and built a hygrometer. 2.5 stinkin' hours to build the thing that should only have taken a few minutes. The kicker, is the thing probably won't even work. We had a devil of a time getting the pivot in the right spot and the papers fanned out right and ... well .... yadda yadda yadda. Its done.

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