M: is reading Samantha's Collection of Short Stories along with another AG book which didn't make the photo cut. She has restarted Heidi, and we're working through Poetry Matters (though I need to be more diligent about that!)
S: is working through a Shark Lapbook for science so we're reading Shark books! She is also listening to The Runaway Pony (we couldn't find the start of the series! LOL!)
ET: is currently listening to whatever someone will read her... but I'm hoping to get a little more diligent about picking up entertaining books for her.
I: am working my way through the 39 Clues (starting book #5), trying to find a new approach to homeschooling (ie unschooling and more!) Working through Poetry Matters.
in other news : M is making her way through history and we are currently in Mexico and S. America, learning about the Maya, the Aztecs, and the Inca. She is also working through her Science though at a much slower pace. S is working on reading and remembering that you can't get to 20 if you miss 16, 17, and 18. M is faithfully fulfilling her obligations to the Book It challenge (of 4 books per month.) And S is just getting comfortable with reading and learning that she has to understand and listen to hear more. Its hard to sit and listen when you're 4 (almost 5.) ET, our youngest pupil, we'll she sits with us when we read and I'm working on getting M to read to her during school while I work with S. My goal is to get ET loving books too!
future hopefuls : M is making noise about wanting to learn to crochet (which is exciting to me!) I've been making swap squares for blankets and scarves for some friends and I guess this peaked her curiosity! She is super busy with sewing this month - for an upcoming GS meeting and also Christmas plans. She seems to really love sewing. S has decided also help me put together some Christmas gifts. She picked the fabric and will also sit and help sew it on the machine! Me, I'm dreaming about Roving and Drop spindles! LOL! but have so many crochet, knit and sewing projects on the go, that its almost impossible to get there.... after Christmas I guess!
Anyway happy thursday!
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