Friday, November 4, 2011

Computer Technology

As always I browse the net when time permits.  I look for ideas to embellish our materials, I look for ideas to provide more coverage in our schooling.  I don't teach to test, and I don't teach because the schools require certain things.  We cover a variety of subject material and I like it that way.

We follow the core materials of Language Arts (Reading/Phonics/Spelling-Vocab, Literature, Grammar, Creative Writing), Math, History/Geography/Social Studies, and Science.

I still haven't found an art program that makes me happy, or a music program that works - though both my girls have recently decided Piano is the way to go.  This week, I'm searching for Computer Technology and general computer stuff.  My oldest is more adventurous than my middle and I need to get them on similar pages or paths at least! LOL!

My oldest began exploring more of the computer when she was about 6 or 7 in Brownies.  She created a blog, learned about word processing, and learned about searching the internet safely.  So now I need to take her a little farther and see where we can go.   Dh tells me to teach her to program spreadsheets.  I feel she needs to start with basic computer languages.  I'm torn so I search the internet and look for what others are doing.

My middlest has her favourite games and loves the idea of a membership renewal of some sort 1x a month.  She haunts,, and acouple others to name a few.  She's not keen on wordprocessing, but that may have been because she was not reading yet and she hasn't had a word processing program on her computer (need to fix that!)

So ya that's where I'm at this Friday afternoon.  Looking for a place to further the computer technologies part of their education!

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