Monday, January 11, 2016

Earth Science: Geology Unit

So Giraffe, very much enjoyed the various experiments and activities we did in the Weather Unit, and asked that we keep reading and doing more experiments, so I thought it would be good to keep on going in this direction!  Again, I borrowed some ideas from BlueHouseSchool, changed up some of the library books and bought a kits or two that I thought would fit in with our learning.  In keeping with the format of the last Science Unit I decided I would post my goals again and the units we would hopefully cover.

Evan-Moor Science Works for Kids Series has an eBook on Geology for 1st - 3rd grades (EMC 857i).  It offers a wealth of experiments, demonstrations and activities for hands on learning and I'll be trying to supplement with fun reading materials like we used with the weather unit and suggested reading so that is what we’ll be using as the spine of our Science for the next few weeks.  I hope to be able to update weekly what we did so someone out there in the ether will be able to use it as a jumping point like I did at someone else’s suggestion!  We will cover:

  1. Layers
  2. Earth's Crust 
  3. How Soil is Made
  4. Properties of Rocks
  5. Rocks Form in Different Ways
  6. The Incredible Changing Earth
  7. Earth's Resources
  8. Fossils

Again, I hope to make it back and make a link to each of the parts we covered but in case I don’t just keep reading.

Again, this one appears to be a pretty low budget fun unit - with the use of library books, a basic spine and the odd kit here and there.

We're trying to make Science a regular part of Monday-Tuesday and Wednesday Curriculum.

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