As a responsible pet owner - before buying this tadpole kit, I did some research online and discovered that these frogs are called African Clawed Frogs, and that they can live up to 30 yrs in good conditions - I also learned that they CAN NOT just be released into our environment because they are not native here and so have no natural predators and can also be harmful - due to whatever possible bacteria they carry! SO before engaging in one of these kits be prepared for a life long pet!
A couple years ago, we purchased a tadpole from the Grow A Frog Company. It was a kit that provided a glass tadpole, which would grow into a frog and my dd could watch it's metamorphosis.
Anyway One thing lead to another and somehow we ended up with 2 Frogs. Just my luck they end up being male and female. The Frogs (Lily and Tad) are now about 3 yrs old. (Tad is the male and the littler one of the two.)
Despite reading literature on the Net - that these frogs are supposedly sterile - it turns out ours are quite fertile! LOL! Low and behold, this past December - we ended up with a pair of Tadpoles.
Here are the twins Saguaro (big at front) and Barrel (smaller barely visible in the rear - seems to have growth issues) a month and a half later. Saguaro has visible back legs and is in the state that Tad was when he arrived. Barrel seems about 2 weeks behind in growth but also has showing back legs. (if size is any indication, we think they are also male and female - if they are - they will be separated.)
This was an excellent science lesson for my Frog-obsessed older dd way back when and even now. She beginning to assume the responsibility for cleaning the tank and caring for them.
I'm hoping that the 6 yr old will gain the same appreciation for this lesson! She has claimed responsibility for the twins and will eventually end up with the resulting frogs as her pets. So while we dabble with plants at the moment, we are also watching real life metamorphosis!