Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Month Drifts By

I'm sorry that I don't post here often. With a 2 yr old much of the girls day is filled with play. While the older one pulls away for an hour or 2 of school stuff every once in a while the younger one is fully engulfed in play. She does well playing alone, which allows us to get the basics done with the older one, but IMO preschoolers should play.

The younger one is now asking to sit down and do book work, so I've printed out a color book... ie Things that are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and violet, and giving her a crayon to go to town with... no force to colour in the lines, no force do it right... just a suggestion to do your best coloring job. She loves it. We're also starting to focus on singing the alphabet and a few other things.

Happily I paid $20 to EnchantedLearning site today - because I'm finding their printouts pretty cool... so I figure its worth a year's subscription to test out. I should re-evaluate at the end of the year's term.

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