Oh well, we're back now! And I'll try to be better about posting! (ya I've said that before haven't I?)
So in all that spare time I had I've been reading
I've been feeling a little guilty that little S doesn't have any classes she can do but in her currrent state a class isn't quite what she needs. She's 2 - almost 2.5. She has major issues with mummy separation. I mean there are some nights if she can't be snuggled right up to me for a couple hours she ain't planning to sleep and I shouldn't either. So my only thought was a mommy and me type class offered by the good folks at the local "My Gym" or a mommy and me type art class through the parks and rec! Dh has offered to take time and work from home so M wouldn't have to be patient or left alone somewhere (like outside the class!) So I started doing some reading on things that would be good for 'almost' preschoolers (is she preschooler yet?) and ended up with a book by David Elkind called "Miseducation". Man talk about an eye opener! Though I don't subscribe to any of the schools of thought he mentioned, I do tend to watch what others do and felt an ounce of guilt that I wasn't doing enough with her socially - I've decided that I was feeling guilted into some kind of class, realizing that at this exact age M was spending hours by my side at the hospital
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