Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life in the Fast Lane.

One doesn't realize just how addicted they are to the "Net" until the "Net" is yanked out from beneath them. If you visit my other blog you'll note that there is a saga going on about ISPs. Our internet has been flakey for the last little while. The day after I signed up with EnchantedLearning I suddenly found myself with no internet (no correlation there just coincidental timing that I used as a marker.) No internet means no school as K12 is 'online' and S's coloring pages were also online! So we devoted our time to playing and technically doing not much. Baaaad if you're a rigid by the book person, not so bad if you can wing it in other ways. Which we do! A lot is learned in play!

Oh well, we're back now! And I'll try to be better about posting! (ya I've said that before haven't I?)

So in all that spare time I had I've been reading
I've been feeling a little guilty that little S doesn't have any classes she can do but in her currrent state a class isn't quite what she needs. She's 2 - almost 2.5. She has major issues with mummy separation. I mean there are some nights if she can't be snuggled right up to me for a couple hours she ain't planning to sleep and I shouldn't either. So my only thought was a mommy and me type class offered by the good folks at the local "My Gym" or a mommy and me type art class through the parks and rec! Dh has offered to take time and work from home so M wouldn't have to be patient or left alone somewhere (like outside the class!) So I started doing some reading on things that would be good for 'almost' preschoolers (is she preschooler yet?) and ended up with a book by David Elkind called "Miseducation". Man talk about an eye opener! Though I don't subscribe to any of the schools of thought he mentioned, I do tend to watch what others do and felt an ounce of guilt that I wasn't doing enough with her socially - I've decided that I was feeling guilted into some kind of class, realizing that at this exact age M was spending hours by my side at the hospital watching her little sister struggle for life, and her mummy melt into a pile of goo... where she would play with a Leap pad (where her love for Frogs, Geography and science started) and coloring pictures while being introduced to *GASP* TV for short bursts of time. Basically she was right by my side where she wanted to be... and that's exactly where S wants to be right now too! SO I think we'll hold off on the classes for a while longer and maybe introduce them next year if she is ready - no rush. I just figured it would be a good experiment to see if she really is more physical than her sis.

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