Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Supplies Roll in

So this week, we've finally got all the materials ordered and en route, and we're set to begin school when we deem it appropriate.  The last couple days I've been looking through our stash of books that we already have and the ones that I need to add, I'm missing one from our current purchase list - so I need to order it!   So this is a list of  books the 3rd grader (back set) and the 8th grader will be reading this year.  There will be some changes to the 8th grader's reading list because she has read a couple already.

The Kindergartener's material was bought a year ago and we had begun some of it, the plan is to move comfortably through her work, but most of it is library books so I have no photos for you!

I think there comes a certain satisfaction with trying out a new method every so often.  This year we have happily hit on something the 8 yr old loves, and I'm hoping it will pass down to the 5 yr old, but it's okay if it doesn't.  The 13 yr old's material has been tried before and didn't work, for us, but she is hopeful since she is self teaching more and more.

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